SHOP is open!
Sunday, June 5, 2022
Hello dear creatives,
Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie
Thank you so much for your patience as it has literally taken me YEARS to get a shop back up on my site. Thank you for all the nudges and questions and continual prodding. There were times I thought, oh forget it, I'm too old, blah blah blah. I finally got tired of my own excuses, and by an enormous measure of Grace, got 'er done!
I chose 5 categories for my paintings:
- Everyday Stuff (still life, I love painting the flotsam and jetsam just laying around the house)
- Faces (well, duh...)
- Furry Ones (duh, again)
- Flowers - this was going to be merged with Everyday Stuff but I had so many it really warranted its own category.
- Outside Views - I have very few in this category....but did have some work with this subject that made me smile.
This is the lineup of categories......if you click the graphic it will take you to main Shop page.
Each and every painting I posted (66 to start) makes me happy, hits a personal standard. I accomplished the goal, whatever that was for each one. Sometimes keeping it loose was the goal, other times it was to really play with my mixed media. Sometimes it's color harmony, add excitement by taking it up a notch...I do work toward a goal in every painting I paint. That's my process.
For my Art Students, both group and private, I wanted to point out that the payment link is now in the store category Art Classes.
I am working behind the scenes, to bring one more Category to birth. And that is offering tutorials - bringing some old ones out of the archives, as well as creating some new ones long overdue.
Without all of you, I would never have been able to, nor even cared to, accomplish this. It took several years for my hands to recover from 3 surgeries (two thumb joint replacements - ouch - and a not-so-cleanly broken arm). I thought my computer days were over. But time has been kind and I am good to go these days. And healthy! Of sound mind? I think so. LOL.
So come take a visit thru my little shop! I've blabbed on long enough. 😉
I have opened up comments on the blog again and will see how it goes.....spam can get very time-consuming and annoying, aargh. But real comments from you my readers, those are the best!
Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie