February Theme - Faces / Portraits and the Story behind them
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Hi folks
If you have any questions, or wish to contact me, here's the link. 💗
Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie
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I have't blogged in a bit, and it's aways amazing to me how time just elapses....poofs, disappears, appears again, then poof!
Thought i would take a minute to share that all my classes are back online again for a wee bit longer....as covid continues to cast its monkeywrench whereever it is found, which is basically everywhere? Hope you are all staying safe and healthy of body and mind. Takes a bit more work these days, I find.
Thankful for technology and cameras that zoom in on an art desk for demos and all.....we collectively persevere, thrive in one another's company and continue to practice our craft. No stopping the creative process!!!
Here are a few portraits I have painted over the years that I quickly gathered from around the house.....and see if you can "feel" a different story from each one. Yes, of course, they are different "people" but there is much more that depicts the "story." That's what we will be looking at and practicing this month.
Interested in joining us? We begin next week, Feb 7 and 9. More info on my online art classes here. Basically, Mon 10am-noon, Mon 1:30-3:30pm, Wed 10-noon. All Pacific time. Via Zoom.
Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie
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