A Day in the Life.....Making Nocino and Hiding Stains!
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Just a little check-in here, my gal pals and I met on Saturday for what has become our Annual Nocino Making get-together. We started by enjoying some delicious Bento boxes from our local Japanese restaurant, Sushiko. It's a treasure of a place here in Rohnert Park.
NOTE TO SELF for next years Nocino Event....
- wear full on playtex rubber gloves
- wear the schloppiest of clothes, truly throw-outables
- collect walnuts a tad earlier with softer shells?
- keep the covid masks!!!
- cover EVERYTHING in plastic
What kind of walnut to use?
We used Black Walnuts this year.....and perhaps the California walnuts of last year were better to use because the nuts inside were softer. But that could be just the timing of the harvesting this year. We won't know if the taste is different for a few months at least.
BUT as I said earlier, the process is OMG MESSY!
I wore a crappy old tee shirt, and it was mostly black, so that survived. However my favorite old most worn beloved jeans got splattered, and even after oxi-clean spray on every spot and laundering, NADA. Not to mention each of us girls got black walnut stain spots on our faces, arms, ankles, and hands, fingernails, cuticles - gross! Like age spots that don't remove!! My forehead has a big streak and I cannot scrub anymore without bruising myself. Time will have to do the work for me. I am NOT bleaching my forehead. Nope.
So my jeans, that was the most upsetting....I just couldn't make myself trash this old pair. So, I was walking by my kitchen table this morning and noticed a Sharpie....hmmmmmmmmm...
This is what happened next!
Nothing fancy here, just about 15 minutes of doodling....and each spot of walnut stain got either a flower or a leaf. That's it. I am guessing this sharpie will not wash out....we will see. Perhaps fade a bit.
Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie