
New SALE in my SHOP from Aug 31 - Sept 7th midnight. Save 20% with code FIRSTSALE.

So thank you for visiting, and hope you enjoy the many art tips in my BLOG, and paintings in my SHOP and just feel blessed while you hang around awhile.


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My Art Studio - DONE and DONE!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Hi everyone,

I did it, finally got the labels on, and finished painting all the furniture white, and making a few revisions to my easel. So here is the REVEAL.... (don't mind the bare floors, i ripped up all the old carpet, all new lvp flooring being installed in a couple of weeks, can't wait.)

my Teaching Station for Zoom classes

Under my desk a small stash of art books.

some rattles I made years ago now, over the opening between my studio and kitchen

Above my teaching station, a collection of cat paintings I did for an exhibition past.

this large piece was entered into a Art on Matchbook Show a few years ago. This was my entry - 120 small matchbooks with people and animals from every nation on earth! Won a prize. woohoo.

oh yeah

A small bookshelf for sketchbooks and collage. Gotta figure out a better way to plug in this lamp to light my new easel.

a stash of unfinished paintings, which i hope/intend to finish someday

bottom of my revised taboret

so glad i added this shelf to the bottom of my easel...

taboret from a $10 tv stand on casters

the big setup, and a canvas that has just begun.... my new cushioned bar stool is soooo comfy, like sitting on a cloud

some inspirations on rubber backed canvas that protects my wall from splatters, thx for that idea, JJ!

another small shelving unit (thrifted, of course) just perfect for all my pencils and markers supply

I have two tall shelving units, this bottom part has lots of paint

top half has all sorts of mixed media and my endless mediums/media, all my brushes above the two shelves, must use stepstool to access

a narrow tall shelf between the two tall wider shelves. i keep my watercolor and gouache tubes in those "color" drawers.

middle part of tall narrow shelf. i love cardbord and use it for my labels. 

ok, here is the top of the narrow middle shelf. i own an embarassing number of wc palettes, and various gouaches.

more labeled things on bottom of other tall shelf

top of first wide tall shelf. two shelves - one for drawing paper, the other for painting paper. saves me time to grab exactly what i need.

the wide view!

the wider view of my teaching station, love my cart. my yellow wheely chair just happened to have that bar on back perfect for draping my painting smock

the cart...everything i need for class within arms reach. well, you could say that about my whole studio really. 


Last month, we painted Very Ordinary subjects and made Extraordinary paintings out of them. 

Our August theme will be - Drawing First, Painting Next vs Painting First, Drawing Next - our subject this month: loose and expressive botanicals. Mon and Wed 10 - noon California time via ZOOM. $120/4 2-hour classes. Get in touch quick so I can send you some more detailed info. A lovely community of artists, precious each and every one. Come join us.


So that's it folks, stay tuned for another post soon.....about a new series I am offering via Zoom, called Begin at the Beginning. It will be just 3 months/12 weeks, covering all the basics - a fabulous review or intro to my painting classes. I plan on that happening Sept thru November, finishing up in time for the holidays.

Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie

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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.