
New SALE in my SHOP from Aug 31 - Sept 7th midnight. Save 20% with code FIRSTSALE.

So thank you for visiting, and hope you enjoy the many art tips in my BLOG, and paintings in my SHOP and just feel blessed while you hang around awhile.


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Thursday, August 24, 2017

My Frida - original painting of Frida Kahlo by Joanie Springer

My Frida - SOLD
14" x 11"
acrylic on stretched canvas
ready to hang (or frame it as you wish)

A few weeks ago I saw a post on Facebook that it was Frida Kahlo Day. So that night I started this painting.  Took me a bit to finish it off just right, but one thing I knew early on is that RED was the defining color to capture that amazing colorful daring artist. I titled this piece My Frida as well, she's got a my type of face, right? That just seems to be the way I do it.

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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.