ART TIP: Starting a Painting Loosely in order to Explore
Sunday, October 8, 2017
I love painting faces. Of course, you all know that. But believe me when I say I get as frustrated as can be when I start many of them. I get too tight, I start doing details too soon, and all too quickly lose my JOY. And JOY is my inner compass when I paint, paint well, that is.
So here's a new face I am just starting to play around with. I figure I have at minimum 6 layers so far, and have barely begun. One of the biggest mistakes I believe, is when an artist begins to get serious from layer one. It misses all the gorgeous nuances that many layers offer. Everyone has their own way of painting, and mine is only mine. But for those who wish to optimize the glories of acrylic paint, layers are the way to go, methinks! Explore your subject before painting it.
Started with wood, which truly is my fave substrate, or surface to paint upon.
Gave it a bit of texture.
Wild colors of acrylic paint.
Some neo color and water soluble oil pastels.
Back and Forth.
Forth and Back.
Destroy with a wedge.
Throw watery paint over it.
Tube paint directly on the surface, spray.
It is a way to explore my subject,
feel my way around.
And already I am feeling good about this piece
it is just an underpainting at this point
and whether I refine it
or develop it more colorfully and more "contemporary"
all is good.
Right Now.
And what is there beside this NOW moment, eh?
And because I couldn't help myself
i futzed with this AFTER I wrote the post.
Here's the very latest.....
in my mind, the eyes were too tight, and the face color getting too Real. So we are back at this! Much better. Smile.
Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie