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So thank you for visiting, and hope you enjoy the many art tips in my BLOG, and paintings in my SHOP and just feel blessed while you hang around awhile.


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PAINTING: CAT #23 The Optimist

Sunday, January 22, 2017

As it turns out, a small flurry of people unsubscribed from my mailing list over the last couple of days. It's ok. I knew there was risk involved.

As an artist I first and foremost want to bring Beauty (and smiles and hope) into the world, knit it back into the fabric of our earth, as a countermeasure to how much rape and pillage, injustice, thoughtlessness, ill intent, even horror there is here in our land.

And if you don't know this about me, I am quite the optimist!

Yet once in awhile, I feel compelled to make a statement, as I did with my NO NO NO Cat and No Grabbing This Pussy. I have no regrets. But it is in my nature not to want to offend, nor to hurt anyone....and this conflict weighs heavily. These are unique and trying times....and I made my choice.

If in some teeny way my creativity can occasionally be used for (in my perspective) Awakening those who are asleep or deluded into thinking this Administration won't alter the very core of our democracy, I choose it.  And honestly I would rather have 3 people on my list who enjoy seeing my art, than 1000 who don't. May God bless ALL of us.

Here's Cat #23

CAT #23 by Joanie Springer #30cats  30 CATS in 30 Days

CAT #23
The Optimist

acrylic and charcoal
12 x 12 in.
100% recycled heavy paper

BTW - I did go back and give each of my #23 cats so far names....some may change, but they all deserved a name. Go check them out! And if you have some ideas for me, please comment!

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Copyright © ART for the SOUL of it
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.