Mar 2024: The Blue Wave
Saturday, March 2, 2024
No, I am not waxing, but suggesting as a prompt for our BLUE month around the color wheel we try our hand at, and interpretation of, Hokusai's iconic The Wave!
But let me back up a minute. As we progress around the Color Wheel in 2024, we have knocked off the other two primary colors, that is, Yellow and Red. So this month we dive into Blue. Think water, sky, blueberries, and put your thinking caps on to discover loads more. And as all artists know, blue does not have to mean anything traditional....faces can be blue (think Picasso), and even dogs and cats can have much more than blue about blur fur or whiskers?
Come join us.....everyone loves Blue! It's the most popular color ever, worldwide, i read.
We will be learning about the origins of blue pigment, learning to lighten, darken and mix the various gorgeous hues. And then we will paint paint paint throughout the month, anything and everything that Blue means to us.
Registered students, please watch for an email with more detailed info.
Care to join us this month? Get in touch! I offer Zoom classes Mon and Wed 10 to noon, PST, and an in-person class in Santa Rosa, CA Mondays 1:30 - 3:30pm. Don't miss the fun and inspiration!
(I changed mail server apps....hope this makes it to your inbox. Crossing my fingers. First post on new service.)
And for some RED, here are a few of the paintings I did this month. Next month I will feature Blue paintings from my students.

This gal is an ancestor of mine, but i have not a clue who she is. So I thought i would paint her at least. Unfinished.
If you enjoyed this post, please share it with an artsy friend.
Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie
Blessings, Joanie