QUIRKIES and upcoming October Theme - Birds on a Branch
Friday, September 30, 2022
Before I begin, let me just say that the last post - on Fingerpainting, cut short. Here is the full blog post.
OCT theme anounced at bottom of this post.....stay tuned!
Ok then, we finished up a pretty wild FACES series this month of September, and it was FUN. As always, I am in AWE of my students creativity and willingess to jump out of their comfort zones and really Play Play Play. I give them permission to Play outside the box, but ultimately only an individual artist can give themselves Permission. That's the goal I always aspire to.
It all started with the top third of the face, then each week we learned more about the Individual Features. It starts with the Parts!
Then we created some mannequin type of heads to play around with and model our "parts."
All week these "starts" laid all over my dining table, and as I would walk by i would move the parts around til something Clicked.
And then The Whole truly becomes greater than its Parts - as we collaged and added all sorts of paint layers and threw some mixed media in for good measure. Here are a few of mine, many still works in progress:
This one above does not have collage but I did paint her in class as a demo on how to use a magazine reference for gesture, but then leave pic behind and make an image all your own.
I had a Big Eye from a demo which i had to use in this project
so a Cyclops evolved, of course!
I am pretty certain this one will be titled
Apple of my Eye!
I hope you had fun viewing our month of September theme, which i renamed QUIRKIES. Because, that is what we created, a series of QUIRKIES!
October Theme
Birds on a Branch or whatever you imagine, arm, telephone wire, etc. Could be Winged Ones of any kind, you could create a series, or a larger piece with a branch and several birds. Whimsy or Realism, Imagination gone wild - bring it on.
We will look at the shape of birds, and hopefully you will stroll or hike around your neighborhood to find a Branch that inspires. So many possibilities......Let's Take Flight!
Care to join us for Birdy October?
I have a very few seats available... in my Online Zoom Art Classes....get in touch asap as classes start next week. Our 4 classes for October are as follows:
If you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment below. Would love to hear from you.
Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie
Blessings, Joanie