
New SALE in my SHOP from Aug 31 - Sept 7th midnight. Save 20% with code FIRSTSALE.

So thank you for visiting, and hope you enjoy the many art tips in my BLOG, and paintings in my SHOP and just feel blessed while you hang around awhile.


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PAINTING: CAT #3 - Dazzler - In All Honesty

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

This past year
I have spoken a bit about
but perhaps i haven't spoken forthrightly about...

and that is
creative journey

to say the least
has been a challenge

now that I am painting again
and feeling GOOD about what I am painting
I can admit to you all
This past year
not being able to paint
at least well enough to please my soul
was nothing short of disheartening

to say
devastating is perhaps

as I was contending with other matters
at hand

HAND!! oh yeah, two surgeries on my dominant hand.

But 2016 was the year of unfinished paintings.
it's not that i didn't paint
i just never got around to finishing,
thus posting
and i DID paint some good paintings
truly i did

but overall
just feeling a shift
and not knowing where it was leading...

i have learned
to breathe thru these times
trust that in the mystery
the path will unfold
the Light will shine
once again
wait for it...

But nonetheless
while I was going thru it
I couldn't admit it to anyone
I felt too much the fraud

but now that I am through it
(holding breath, knocking on wood, praying, praying, praying...)
I can say it

I have been in a deep creative rut
and what has sustained and blessed me throughout

So thank you students
all you talented amazing souls
my loved ones and family
my dearest most precious friends,
those of you who follow my journey here
and have inquired of my absence
as to what was up

You are my Sustaining Angels....

and I am so grateful that I have continued to be led
to paint
and create
and ahhhh
my Heart

feels full again.

And now for another silly colorful cat!

cat #3 by joanie springer 30 paintings in 30 days

CAT #3
acrylic and charcoal
100% recycled heavy paper
12 x 12 inches

I think I have decided, since I am tiptoeing back into blogging and all, that I will reserve each of these 30 pieces and perhaps offer them at the end of the month. Maybe auction?  I really don't know. Thanks for bearing with me.  At this point just painting and uploading is a BIG THING. I don't want to do anything to thwart my momentum.

I have shied away from social media, too, this past year......so much tooting one's horn out there and I have not had the energy nor motivation to do so. But I do love sharing my process with you.....so, enough talking!!! Time to post!

Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
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Copyright © ART for the SOUL of it
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.