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PAINTING: CAT #2 - Who Owns Whom?

Monday, January 2, 2017

Today was a wonderful day as I got to see and paint with all my artist pals over at Riley Street. Classes are back this week after over a month's break. So good to see everyone.

Good thing I painted two kitties last night, so here's #2.

cat #3 by joanie springer 30 paintings in 30 days

Cat #2
Who Owns Whom?
Acrylic and charcoal on heavy chipboard
12 x 12 inches

Contact me if interested....at this point, just painting 30 paintings in 30 days is a biggie for me. May offer them for sale at month's end. Or if i get around to pricing them in the meantime. 

I used to be so prolific, but this last year, not so much. Lots of fun challenging myself in this way again.

Oh yeah, I am doing this 30 in 30 Challenge thru Leslie Saeta's blog. It's not too late to join in....

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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.