Quilting rabbit hole.....and the Red Russian
Friday, May 10, 2024
When I first started handstitching a year or so ago, never ever ever did I foresee that I would not only tiptoe into be making quilts but become completely besotted with the entire process. From cutting to hand quilting. Big shocker to me! And then, after giving it some thought, it really is just more Painting, albeit with textiles and threads. Oh Bliss! I can't get enough Color!!!
So I thought I would share a few of my quilts with you.....and there are more to show, but I will try to present them in the order in which I made them.
A dear reader of this blog, and fellow artist, Dear Rita B, so kindly sent me fabric that she has had with her since she and her husband left Russia many moon ago. The majority of it was red, and those dolls? Look closely at the adorable doll faces that appear in one of the fabrics. I swooned. And named this quilt after my dear friend: Introducing my first quilt "The Red Russian."
This layout is called Split Rail Fence. Each square goes in opposite directions.
I both machine stitched and hand stitched this lap quilt.
Quilt backs, I am discovering, are fun to design as well.
I was hooked, absolutely hooked on making more quilts after this sweet one.
And who doesn't like a good snuggle with a comfy quilt, eh? It's the best!
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Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie
Blessings, Joanie