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My Sampler Quilt - Hand Stitched

Sunday, October 1, 2023

I guess I am calling this my very first quilt....though it is all hand stitched. A sampler!

And wow, did i have fun creating this. I know I have been procrastinating offering a Begin at the Beginning Hand Stitching class, but if there a handful or more of folks interested, I would offer it this October/November over Zoom.  I am thinking 2 hours, maybe 3 with a lunch break..... I have learned oh so much these past several months, that I would be thrilled to share with you the Musts and the Don't Bothers, What you Need and that's truly minimal - just the simple What's Important Stuff. 

Saturday morning sound good? Friday morning, anyone?

nothing overly tidy about my stitching...referred to these days as Big Stitch quilting.

i started the actual quilting almost dead center, figured i would stitch a few rounds of  a circle then meander, But i just kept going....felt right

yin yang, Tao, it is soooo peaceful to hand stitch,
above the yin yang symbol are brussel sprouts!

appliqued little leaves

yoyos turned to flowers

knots exposed, and entirely hand quilted.

And here it is displayed....over my antique rocker. A nice little lap quilt for a wintery day.

PS - I have now completed 3 more quilts, all larger, more done on a sewing machine but each with some hand stitching because I just love the look and feel of hand stitching on a quilt. Those posts will be coming through one of these days.

If you enjoyed this post, please share it with an artsy friend.

Be Creative. It's Good for the Soul!
Blessings, Joanie

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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.