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Hanging It Up - Artwork, That Is!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

To make this effort more inspirational, I cutesied up a horribly scruffy step ladder with spray paint, then purchased four new pretty white feet.
A small tack hammer works great. Not too heavy.
Seriously and maybe crazily, but I use push pins to hang most of my art – two for each picture. Holds them nice and steady. But for big heavy paintings I really like these wall grip style hangers
measure twice, make hole once!
Yep, I mostly use clear push pins to hang my art.
Spackle all those extra holes as you go, you won’t regret it.
The real “secret” here is these two products. Especially if you are going to hang a grouping, then this is essential. Tear off a wee little piece of this poster putty and knead it to get it warm (important) and then when a painting is absolutely level (“dead nuts”) then adhere the putty to the back of the frame – i usually place it bottom center of the frame

There you have it.  Everything I’ve learned by toil and trouble, or is that, trial and error??  LOL.

And now for some of my wall art reveals:

Watch out for glare when hanging art opposite windows. I might replace the glass eventually with 1/8″ plexi. It’s supposed to be non-glare.

Blessings and Paint On! Joanie
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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.