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Organize All Those Paint Tubes – easy!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I started out years ago using watercolors, bought way tooo many, and after i switched to buying real gouache (as opposed to using watercolor paint with white gouache) i ended up with two big shoeboxes full of watercolor tubes.  I finally hauled them down and merged my gouache with all the old watercolor tubes, and threw them in their designated drawers.  One of the funnest  things I’ve been doing lately, is just blindly reaching in each drawer and grabbing a color, and whatever i pick, well…that’s what i paint with.  It’s been challenging, fun and inspirational.  i love a good challenge. Share with me your organizing ideas…would love to SEE and HEAR about them.

how i organized my gouache and watercolor paints in my art studio

tips for organizing gouache and watercolor paints in your art studio

tips for organizing gouache and watercolor paints in your art studio

tips for organizing gouache and watercolor paints in your art studio

tips for organizing gouache and watercolor paints in your art studio

tips for organizing gouache and watercolor paints in your art studio

Oh yeah, bought these plastic drawers at Target.  Not earth-friendly but I plan on keeping them, like….forever!

Blessings and Paint On! ~Joanie
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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.